A coincidence object consists of a list with two elements: 1) the number of scenarios ($n), and 2) a coincidence matrix of events, whose main diagonal figures are the frequency of events and outside this diagonal there are conjoint frequencies of these events ($f)

coin(incidences, minimum = 1, maximum = nrow(incidences),
     sort = FALSE, decreasing = TRUE, 
     total = FALSE, subsample = FALSE,
     weight = NULL, pairwise = FALSE)



an incidence matrix or data frame with only 0/1 variables


minimum frequency to be considered


maximum frequency to be considered


sort the coincidence matrix according to frequency of events


decreasing or increasing sort of the matrix


add one first row and column with total


retrict the analysis to scenarios with at least one event


a vector of weights. Optimal for data.framed tables


Pairwise mode of handling missing values if TRUE. Listwise by default.


Produce a matrix of coincidences from a matrix of incidences.


An object of coin class


Number of scenarios (rows of the incidence matrix)


Coincidence matrix


Escobar, M. and Martinez-Uribe, L. (2020) Network Coincidence Analysis: The netCoin R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 93, 1-32. doi: 10.18637/jss.v093.i11 .


Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/


## Random incidence matrix: 25 scenarios, 4 events. I <- matrix(rbinom(100, 1, .5), nrow = 25, ncol = 4, dimnames = list(NULL, c("A", "B", "C", "D"))) coin(I, sort = TRUE)
#> n= 25 #> A B C D #> A 18 #> B 13 15 #> C 10 9 14 #> D 9 5 5 12
## Hair by Eye by Sex table from M. Friendly (2000) data(HairEyeColor) H<-as.data.frame(HairEyeColor) W<-H$Freq I<-dichotomize(H,c("Hair","Eye","Sex"),add=FALSE) coin(I,w=W)
#> n= 592 #> Hair:Black Hair:Blond Hair:Brown Hair:Red Eye:Blue Eye:Brown #> Hair:Black 108 #> Hair:Blond 0 127 #> Hair:Brown 0 0 286 #> Hair:Red 0 0 0 71 #> Eye:Blue 20 94 84 17 215 #> Eye:Brown 68 7 119 26 0 220 #> Eye:Green 5 16 29 14 0 0 #> Eye:Hazel 15 10 54 14 0 0 #> Sex:Female 52 81 143 37 114 122 #> Sex:Male 56 46 143 34 101 98 #> Eye:Green Eye:Hazel Sex:Female Sex:Male #> Hair:Black #> Hair:Blond #> Hair:Brown #> Hair:Red #> Eye:Blue #> Eye:Brown #> Eye:Green 64 #> Eye:Hazel 0 93 #> Sex:Female 31 46 313 #> Sex:Male 33 47 0 279